The first gift God gave to man was territory, and the second was authority to rule over it. God has designed His people with a Kingly DNA and authority to dominate opposition, circumstances and resistance. This dominant lifestyle isn’t automatic. The catalyst that triggers God’s authority in us is found in one word...DECISION!!... Not God’s decisions, but ours. Faith-filled decisions move God to intervene, empower and anoint!
The Joshua Success Model consists of 20 decisions Joshua made to conquer territory, defeat opposition, and establish a flow of God’s grace and anointing that transformed a nation of slaves into a nation of conquerors. These 20 decisions will unlock your future, and empower you to fulfill your divine assignment with joy and success!
- Today’s decisions are seeds for tomorrow’s harvest.
- The Joshua Success Model will move you from the known, through the unknown, and into the never known.
- Honor Decisions open Favor Doors.