31 Pillars of Honor (BOOK)
In this book Dr. Mike Brown brings revelation and illumination concerning this subject that so few understand. 31 Chapters. 31 Strength and Wisdom Pillars about Honor that can set your (READ MORE)...
Avoiding the Snare (BOOK)
A snare is a subtle trap set by an enemy to capture you, stop your progress and bring you into captivity. Notice, I said a subtle trap. That is the supreme genius of a snare. It is hidden, (READ MORE)...
Expectation (BOOK)
"Focusing on the God-Inspired Picture of You and Your Destiny Attracts the Partnership, Favor, and Wisdom of God." You will be elevated to new levels as Dr. Brown trains (READ MORE)...
Honor (BOOK)
Reclaiming the Lost Diamond of Honor...Discovering the unlimited potential of demonstrating honor and receiving its incredible rewards. Elevating your level of Honor will elevate your (READ MORE)...
The Invitation (BOOK)
312 pg Devotional AN INVITATION TO DISCOVER THE DEPTH OF THE FATHER'S LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE If you are like most people, you long to be recognized, hunger to be included and want to feel part of something greater than...
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